Christy Turlington, renowned supermodel and maternal health advocate, is the face of Stuart Weitzman’s latest installment of its “How Lovely to Be a Woman” campaign. This collaboration highlights a shared mission to empower women while supporting Every Mother Counts.
The non-profit Turlington founded is made to promote safe, equitable maternal care worldwide. As part of the campaign, Stuart Weitzman has donated $50,000 to the cause.
Stuart Weitzman How Lovely to Be a Woman Campaign
The campaign features stunning black-and-white portraits of Turlington styled in minimalist white shirts paired with sleek, over-the-knee leather boots. Her signature radiant smile shines through each image.
Turlington shared her gratitude, stating, “I’m very grateful for Stuart Weitzman’s support of Every Mother Counts and their help to raise awareness about maternal health. Both Stuart Weitzman and Every Mother Counts are united in a shared goal of supporting women by sharing their stories, and the ‘How Lovely to Be a Woman’ campaign celebrates that.”
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